Bed Bug Control in Melbourne

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to detect and can be challenging to remove. They're expert hitchhikers — sneaking into homes on luggage, clothing, upholstered furniture, and bed frames. Bed bugs are also excellent hiders, but their aggregate pheromone odors can't hide from animals with sensitive noses, like dogs.

Your bed is a piece of heaven on earth, until something bites you while you're comfortably sleeping. That's the sign that it's time to get bed bug pest control. Bed bugs can become a big problem and are one of the most challenging pests to exterminate. Often hiding in mattresses, cushions, rugs, sofas. The feed of blood often biting people.

We offer bed bug pest control services to residential home and commercial properties, specialising in hospitality business and transport industry. We offer affordable and tailored bed bug removal solutions. Our qualified technicians will inspect your residential or commercial property and develop a treatment plan. Based on their findings this may include a heat treatment, non-chemical or chemical treatment if required. Our bed bug pest technician will then treat your property to ensure its bed bug free. To find our more contact our expert bed bug team today.

frequency asked questions about xxxxxxxs.

Nineveh Pest Control is here to help you get rid of xxxxxxxs fast. Our experienced and highly trained technicians will carry out a full ant treatment at your home or business, ensuring that all xxxxxxxs are eliminated.

  • What do bed bugs feed on?

    Bed bugs feed solely on blood – so an infestation isn’t a sign of poor hygiene, as they can also be found in immaculate hotel rooms. They are active at night and usually bite people while they are asleep. They have an elongated beak through which they pierce the skin and withdraw blood. Feeding for 3 – 10 minutes before they are engorged, they then crawl away unnoticed.

  • How do I prevent bed bugs?

  • How do I prevent bed bugs coming back?

    After the treatment, wash all your bedclothes at a temperature of at least 60°C. After travelling, always inspect suitcases before bringing them indoors, particularly if you have been staying in shared hostels. Also be wary of purchasing secondhand furniture – inspect old beds to check they aren’t carrying any travelers!

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